Relationship Counsellor Nuneaton
CBT Counsellor Nuneaton
Bereavement Counselling Nuneaton
NLP Counselling Nuneaton
Indian Head Massage Nuneaton
Hopi Ear Candles
Reiki Nuneaton
Anti-wrinkle treatments nuneaton
Swedish Massage Nuneaton
breast feeding support nuneaton
Depression Counsellor Nuneaton
Aromatherapy Massage Nuneaton
Reflexology Nuneaton
Fillers nuneaton
CBT Counselling Nuneaton
LGBTQ Counsellor Nuneaton
Psychotherapist Nuneaton
Careers Guidance Nuneaton
Hypnotherapist Nuneaton
Counselling for Young People Nuneaton
Counselling for Children Nuneaton
Addiction Counsellor Nuneaton
removal of moles nuneaton
Body sculpting nuneaton
microdermabrasion nuneaton
wrinkle reduction
Clarity Wellbeing Clinics are Operating a COVID-19 COMPLIANT Facility
Before visiting our premises please read the important information to ensure that you can stay safe and help others too during your visit.
COVID-19 – How to stay safe at Clarity Wellbeing Clinics.
What we are doing:
We will consult with you prior to offering an appointment. This will assess your suitability for face to face appointments, and any risk factors associated with seeing you in person. This also looks at symptoms and exposure to others with Covid19.
We will ask for written consent to confirm you wish to meet with us.
We will discuss the measures we have put in place to help minimise the risk of transmission.
We will check your temperature on arrival. If you temperature is above 38°c, we will not permit entry to the clinic and advise you to return home and speak with the NHS
Face masks must be worn at all times during your visit to the clinic, unless you have written proof, demonstrating exemption. This includes during therapy session(s).
We will not provide drinks for the foreseeable future. Tap water may be provided in a plastic disposable cup, and you must take this cup with you and dispose of it.
Our toilet facilities are out of action
We are operating a “no-touch” environment. This includes with payments & contracting.
We are staggering our appointments, allowing 10-15 minute gaps between our clients. This allows us time to ensure the room is cleaned down for your arrival.
We are permitting a maximum of 3 clinicians in our clinics, at all times.
Where possible, attend your appointment on your own. If you have a carer or parent, we will endeavour to allow them access. However, there is a maximum of 2 people permitted in our waiting room at any time.
Please do NOT arrive any earlier than your agreed appointment time. If you arrive earlier, we will advise you to wait in your car.
If you are a new client, we will email a contract for you to sign before your first appointment. This is to minimise the chance of transmission.
We are removing non essential ornaments, cushions and other non essential decorative items, to help minimise transmission.
During sessions we are staying a minimum of the recommend 2 metres distance apart
Hand sanitiser is available as soon as you enter the premises and in our rooms. Please use these.
Our clinics are incorporating additional deep cleaning and disinfection procedures. This includes cleaning down door handles, sofas, chairs and surfaces.
Please adhere to the yellow tape found throughout the clinic, demonstrating the 2 meter distance between you, the therapist and other clients at all times.
Our clinicians will change their masks between sessions.
We are following and continually update our procedures to comply with government guidelines given regarding COVID-19
We are a responsible organisation and have taken positive action to reduce the risk of spreading germs in our clinics
Please do not eat or consume anything purchased outside, in our clinics.
Our clinicians are undertaking additional training and complying with our new policies and procedures.
Therapists are requested to:
For new clients our clinicians will consult with you to discuss your suitability for face to face, online or telephone appointments. They will conduct a risk-assessment. If we are unable to provide face to face support, online or telephone support will be offered.
Change PPE between each client
Contact you if they have any symptoms or come into contact with anyone who has symptoms. They will do this as soon as they become aware
Provide us (the clinic) with your name and contact details. These details will remain confidential, and used only in the instance of track and trace.
Practise social distancing. Keeping at least 2 metre away from clients and at least two metres away during sessions. Avoid shaking hands
There is disinfectant and anti-bacterial wipes in every therapy room, and in the client lounge. Therapists are required to wipe their rooms down before you enter and immediately when you leave the space. Specifically focussing on wiping door handles, table tops and arms and backs of chairs
Communicate to you, their policy on cancellations, specifically relating to if you are unwell or have been abroad
Wash hands immediately before and after every client
Discard all tissues you leave, in the bins outside the building
What you can do:
If you have any symptoms, or have been near anyone with symptoms, then please let your therapist know and follow the NHS advice
Use the wall mounted hand sanitiser on entering the building and when you leave – Push once and rub solution into hands
Wash your hands as often as practical
We have retained our water facilities and suggest everyone gets their own.
Please arrive for your appointment as close to your allocated time as possible, never any earlier. This will ensure that the numbers of people in the client lounge are kept to a minimum. When seating in the client lounge please choose a seat with the designated 2 metre distance from anyone else awaiting their appointment. Please come to your appointment on your own, where possible.
Limit the risk:
Avoid close contact with people, practice social distancing
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in a bin
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
No handshaking
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
Use your own cups where possible
If you have symptoms stay at home, let you therapist know and visit the NHS website
COVID-19 Symptoms:
Shortness of breath
The safety and welfare of our clients and therapists is our primary concern. Please adhere to these policies, procedures and guidelines, at all times. If you need anything clarifying, please contact the clinic manager on 02477 180333.